By: Bethanie Hartzog
Moultrie, Ga. - The Sunbelt Agricultural Exposition (Sunbelt Ag Expo) has returned to Moultrie, Ga., and with it, the patrons and exhibitors have returned too. The COVID-19 pandemic had prevented the exposition from being held last year- the first time it has not been held since its opening 40 years ago- but that did not mean the exhibitors and patrons had forgotten about it.
I spent three days at the Sunbelt Ag Expo this year, and I heard over and over again how happy people were to have it back.
For those of you who don’t know what the Sunbelt Ag Expo is, it is a three-day event in Moultrie, Ga., that has been held annually since 1964. It brings agricultural companies and agriculturists together to explore the latest technologies and innovations across different agricultural industries. The event also includes many interactive and educational exhibits for those attending the event who may not have an agricultural background.
Along with the educational and company exhibits, there are many delicious food options like the staple grilled peanut butter and jelly sandwich or roasted creole Georgia peanuts that keep patrons coming back year after year. All in all, there is something for everybody at the Sunbelt Ag Expo, from great food to live music to farm equipment. However, after leaving the event, patrons have a much better idea of their food and agricultural system here in the United States.
The Sunbelt Ag Expo is a place where the young and old can create memories. I have been attending this event for almost seven years now, mostly as a patron. However, this year I had a unique opportunity to help as an exhibitor for Auburn University’s College of Agriculture. Being able to talk with prospective students and Auburn Ag Alumni, I can only say this enhanced my experience at the exposition.
Before this year, I never had a chance to speak with so many of the different patrons at the Sunbelt Ag Expo. I spoke with high school students who had high hopes to become a part of the College of Agriculture, Auburn Ag Alumni who were so glad to be able to visit with us again this year, and those who did not even know where Auburn University is. Being able to speak with so many people from all walks of life enhanced my experience and appreciation for the Sunbelt Ag Expo and agricultural industry.
The Sunbelt Ag Expo and other events like this serve a greater purpose than selling farm equipment. These events serve as a special opportunity to educate the public about agriculture. Being able to tell and show people where their food comes from in such an agricultural positive environment is a powerful tool in preserving farmers and the land that we farm. Hopefully, the people who attended Sunbelt last week will remember Auburn’s part in making the world work and realize there is a place for everyone in agriculture. Even if it is something as simple as remembering to recycle, keeping pollutants out of the waterways, or buying fresh, local food, it will help farmers and agriculturists continue to feed our growing population.
Click the link to learn more about the Sunbelt Ag Expo:
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